Sunday, November 23, 2014


        Smoking habit scourge of  humanity these days, which  causes a bad illnesses and disease such as affecting the lymph glands and pituitary nerve centers and adverse effect on the heart, blood pressure and cancer. In the article “Health Effects of Smoking” by Dennis Thompson, Jr” Cancer was one of the first diseases that researchers linked to cigarette smoking, and it continues to be smoking's most notorious health effect.” it shows us the effects of smoking in our health like cancer and other serious disease. Smoking causes many types of cancer, the most important of lung cancer and also to lung cancer is a very rare disease among non-smokers. The injury rate increases with the number of cigarettes consumed and increased duration of smoking and this percentage gradually less when quitting smoking, proving a direct relationship between smoking and lung cancer. There is no doubt that smoking in the modern era is the most widespread epidemics, and the most dangerous. The number of people being killed or living life and full of chronic diseases caused by smoking outnumber without doubt the number who die as a result of the plague, cholera, smallpox, tuberculosis, leprosy, typhoid and typhus together every year. It must be the formation of a supreme committee to combat smoking is working on policies and strategies and oversees the implementation of and follow-up programs in place, and the objectives are and how they work clear and consistent, so that future generations merger where and maintaining continuity and developing them, it was noted that the multiplicity of committees and frequent change of plans lose a lot of effort, time and money, and this often occurs in developing countries, the head of the reason for the lack of success of anti-smoking programs in yet. We must fight smoking to reduce the spread of disease in our society and to keep the people from these serious diseases.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

      Coffee is one of the most favorite hot drinks for many people, especially in the morning, and some people believed that drinking coffee is harmful to health. According to the article 11 Reasons You Should Drink Coffee Every Day by Renee Jacques ’’ those who drink four or more cups of coffee were about 10 percent less likely to be depressed than those who had never touched the java.’’ Coffee is usually served with a piece of chocolate, it appears that two of the same effect, in a study from Harvard University, was the women who drank four cups of coffee were less fortunate by about 20% for depression. And in another study found that those who drank coffee at a rate of 3 or more cups daily suicide ratio may have dropped to 53%. Through these studies we conclude that we care, and we must be very careful to drink four cups of coffee in order to protect us a little bit of this depression that surrounds us. Many of us would like a cup of coffee when you wake up to start his day, according to the International Coffee Organization world consumes about 1.6 billion daily cup of coffee. Many people disagree and are still in disagreement about whether the coffee harmful or beneficial, healthy or unhealthy, why are useful coffee and health, Here are some scientific reasons. Coffee improves energy levels and make you smarter Coffee can make people feel less tired and had a higher proportion of energy, all this because of the caffeine, strong alarm to all cells. In my opinion, I agree with that coffee helps prevent many diseases, so logically, the coffee helps to live longer because they save you from diseases, in fact, there are many studies show that people who drink coffee are less likely to display early death. In the end, drink coffee in addition to that magical, it is useful dramatically.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

          Technology these days, it is important in our lives because  it plays an important role in most areas of life, in other words, they resolved most of the problems of human beings. The aim of the importance of technology to make life easier for human. In addition, the use of technology in education is important for the development of student's skills. According to the article  How to use technology in education by Frederick M. Hess & Bror Saxberg they show us some reason why technology are important in education "First, it gave students access to experts from around the world; children were no longer dependent solely on their teachers for learning. Second, no longer rely on teachers to tell them everything, students could learn at home or on their own. This “flipped” the classroom, allowing teachers to spend less time lecturing and more time explaining, mentoring, and facilitating." Technology used in education to make it better. Also, the student can make communication with their teacher after school of technology such as Using email, social media, and  blog posts. By technology, students can communicate with experts and benefit from their experiences. In my opinion, I believe that technology is making it easier for students to receive an education and help the learner to use more of the sense of learning while helping to realize the concepts and ideas and knowledge better. Also, help to save time And effort in teaching and learning.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

     Unemployment is live without income or job. It gives a bad feeling. According to article the effect of unemployment on society and the economy.  ‘’The prevailing unemployment and the plight ofthe unemployed people and their families may create fear and insecurity even inthe currently employed people’’.  It has increased every year. It has brought a lot of problems. It is a major cause in high rate crime and theft.It impact on behavior and personality people. Most people don’t have  jobs they will be dangerous people. They don’t have anything to lose it or go to suicide. Government has to help them. They just need a job or complete study. It must make plans to elimination of unemployment and encourage them to work. It should make an agreement with companies and institutions for employing and training them. If the government finds a solution for this problem, there are a lot of problems will decrease already such as theft, Illicit trade and kill crimes. It first reason in crimes. The researcher said  90% of the crimes because of unemployment. We need to create a lot of jobs and support companies that employing people. If the government wants to make a good society, it has to fight unemployment. Unemployment is a slowly die for the people.


        Happiness, is a feeling which everyone looking for it. Some of them can get it, and some cannot. In my opinion, I think the most important causes of happiness  is that  a person must be convinced that nobody can give him happiness, but he has to look for happiness and create it for himself, even if everything around you  is not good. According to the article 7 Reasons to Be Happy Even if Things Aren’t Perfect, Now by Lori Deschene “ Every day is a new opportunity to be better than yesterday; that pursuit can increase your self-esteem and, accordingly, your happiness. “  It shows that in order to be happy ignore the things that make you unhappy in your day and make you think positive. We cannot limit the causes of happiness you can be happy with the place, money, family, with friends or be happy with proven yourself and your success. There are a lot of other things that make me happy in my daily life, such as stability in my life, either with my family or at work or in my studies, as well as ambition makes a man happy because it makes looking for what is best for him, because the person without ambition has no desire to diligence and change research even up to the best of his work and for members of the community. It must be the individual's ambition, even have a desire to continue to work hard and research and development and innovation to achieve what aspires to him and thus changed for the better, more useful, and to all the good work, and thus develops individuals and society, and also that feeling secure makes a happy person in his daily life.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


          We all know what anger is, and we all felt it: whether it was just a feeling of harassment or was in the form of a massive revolution. Anger is a natural human emotion and very healthy, too, but while beyond the scope of our control turns to something devastating cause problems - problems at work, problems in personal relationships and quality of life that we live in general, and makes you feel you're at the mercy of strong emotion unexpected. In the article “How to Use Your Anger to Help Yourself” By Cloris Kylie Stock. It shows us anger can help us to improve ourself.” My anger propelled me to try new activities and meet new people to show the world I was reclaiming my dignity and my future”. As I know a person who does not express his anger toward the effects of this feeling which converts it against himself. This leads to severe stress which may result in injury, the same person headaches and cramps and impaired heart palpitations and skin rashes. It can also cause a neurosis or psychological disorder. You should remember that feeling of resentment may help in the fight for your rights, but you have to learn about a method of expression in order to avoid harm to others. Conducted a lot of studies that have confirmed that the anger of the positive feelings of motivation strong, capable of granting the momentum of a human being in order to achieve what they desire. Some of the benefits of anger that must be identified anger can be represented as a motivational, associated anger better performance, the researchers at the University of Valencia in Spain interest in what happens to the human body when it is in a state of anger, this study has been agreed with the theory of psychology, which recognizes that the dump feelings better mental health than leaving it closed or buried, increases the expression of the anger of the process of blood flow to parts of the brain associated with emotions happy, working the left side of the brain are more motivated if you feel angry, include the area where the left front of the brain on positive emotions. Experts say the anger driving fundamental changes in the human body, and that control, in turn, in the work of the heart and hormones. I think anger is a bad feeling, but in some cases and for someone who can control her feelings in a good way, he will become a better person and more confident with himself.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


     Rejection occurs when an individual is deliberately excluded from a social relationship or social interaction for social reasons rather than practical. This topic includes all of refusing to deal with others (or peer rejection) and romantic rejection. Anyone can be rejected on an individual basis or through a full range of people. Moreover, it can be either active rejection, through bullying, teasing, or ridicule, or passively, by ignoring someone, or give the "silent treatment."According to the article “Why People Reject Us and What We Can Do About It” by Keenan Patram it shows us the reasons why people rejection others. “The first thing to realize is that rejection isn’t personal. Not really, anyway. It only seems that way because that’s how we tend to look at it”. That means sometimes rejection is not about something personal it’s maybe about our behavior. Despite the fact that humans are social beings, and some level of rejection is an integral part of life. However, rejection can become a problem when it is prolonged or consistent, when the relationship is important, or when a person is very sensitive to rejection. The experience of rejection can lead to a number of negative psychological effects, such as loneliness, low self-esteem, aggression, and depression. It can also lead to feelings of insecurity and heightened sensitivity to rejection of the  group of people can have negative effects, especially, especially when it leads to social isolation. Psychologists believe that simple contact or social interaction with others is not sufficient to meet this need. Instead, people have a strong motivational drive to form and maintain personal relationships of care. All people need stable relationships and satisfying interactions with people in those relationships. If any of these components is missing, people will start to feel lonely and unhappy. Thus, rejection is a major threat. In fact, the majority of human anxieties appear to reflect concerns about social exclusion.

Sunday, October 5, 2014


     Cancer is the most dangerous disease is prevalent in the world.  In the article ''NIH exceptional responders to cancer therapy study launched'' by the National Cancer Institute (NCI).''Scientists will attempt to identify the molecular features of tumors that predict whether or not a particular drug or class of drugs will be beneficial''. The real reason behind the cancer is still being discussed among scientists, but they reached the causes that lead to cancer, including cancer-causing chemicals and some viral diseases such as viral hepatitis types B & C in Mrahalhma late and finally atomic radiation and nuclear and smoking. They will examine the samples from patients in order to get to know the condition the patient's response to treatment. If the disease in this case as early as possible helps the patient to respond to treatment better than others in the stage of clinical response. It's not a fatal disease,a person does not die of cancer, but die from complications of the disease, while delayed diagnosis, which is usually the result of lax or negligent patient of the doctor on display, reflecting the importance of early detection for treatment.Any person at risk of cancer, in the sense that there is no human being has the immunity against infection, rather than that there are no vaccines and protective of the disease. Statistics indicate that it is the discovery of nearly 2 million new cases of cancer each year in the world. Also,There are tests tumor markers Tumor Markers, which is considered one of the most important medical achievements of the twentieth century, which is about measurements carried out in a sample of blood from which to reach an early diagnosis of cancer and monitoring the effectiveness of treatment and measure the patient's response.We must maintain its reasons for our health from this dangerous disease ask God to heal all the sick.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


            Commodus was the son of the emperor Marcus. Commodus went to Rome because his father was very sick. “He will name me as Emperor” said Commodus. But Commodus is an evil man. His personality is very evil. He did many bad things in the book Gladiator. He is an evil man because he is jealous, he killed many people, and he is a liar.

            First, Commodus is jealous of Maximus. Marcus loved Maximus like a son. Commodus thinks Marcus loved Maximus more than him. He asked his father, “Why do you love him more than me?” After the battle Commodus saw Marcus with Maximus and was filled with jealousy. His father put his arms around Maximus and did not put his arms around Commodus. Jealousy is a very bad feeling for people. It causes people to do very bad things.

           The second reason why Commodus was an evil man is because he killed many people. He killed his father. He held his arms around Marcus very tightly until he died. To kill your father is a very terrible thing to do. Also, he told people to take Maximus to kill him. “Take him as far as the sunrise and then kill him,” said Quintus. Quintus was told from Commodus to kill Maximus. The soldiers also killed the Maximus family. Also, Commodus had gladiator fights in Rome after his father stopped the tradition of gladiator fights. Commodus killed many people.

          Finally, Commodus was an evil person because he was a liar. He did not say the truth about two important things. The first lie was he said Marcus died in his sleep. After Maximus asked how Marcus died Commodus said “In his sleep. The doctors say there was no pain.” This was not true. Commodus killed his father. The second lie was Commodus told the Senate that he was the Commander of the Roman Army. Many senators believed Commodus did not say the truth. Telling the truth is very important in life. Many bad things happen if people do not know the real truth. Commodus was very evil because he lied many times.

            Many things Commodus did were evil. He was self-centered and he did not become upset when he did bad things. The bad things he did were kill his father and he said he was the emperor. Also he killed Maximus family. Commodus father loved Maximus more than he loved Commodus because Commodus was evil and he did not trust him. He was an evil man because he was jealous of Maximus, he killed many people, and he was a liar.

Reference from book Gladiator (Russell Crowe).

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Healthy Fast Food

        Many people like to eat fast food because it’s delicious and cheap. However, it’s cause of obesity in the article Healthy Fast Food it shows us some step we can flow it to make fast food healthy ‘’ Many fast food meals deliver enough food for several meals in the guise of a single serving. Avoid supersized and value-sized items, and go for the smallest size when it comes to sandwiches, burgers, and sides.’’ You have to avoid big size when you order fast food to reduce calories in your meal.  It is  rich in fat that can cause disease for most people and affect the heart in adult people. Many people because of their work and they do not have the free time they go to fast food restaurants without thinking about their health, but if they stay away from fried chicken and french fries, it can be less risk of them. Also, to stay in  a good healthy doesn’t eat fast food every day. In addition, parents have to teach their children about risk fast food in their body and it’s not healthy food because many kids like fast food. For this we must know what to eat and how to eat and when to eat, because we cannot say that this food cause obesity and other does not lead to this, we can eat all kinds of foods and do not deprive ourselves of them, but we have to know the amount of food intake albeit low-fat or free of sugar and increased the quantity for the needs of the individual, inevitably will lead to an increase in weight. In my opinion, we can make fast food a few calories, fats, salts and more useful if we replace white bread in brown bread It provides us with fiber and vitamins found in wheat, replace cheese and mayonnaise full fat little fat or indispensable, and choose baked potatoes, grilled instead of fried.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

What would you do?

                                                     What would you do?
        In chapter 6, many people from the town go to the church once a mouth to celebrate the birthdays of their children. Since most people don’t have enough money to pay for a birthday party, the priest has the party for them. During the party, Jim is with his family and he sees Mike and Sara at the docks having an argument. Sara is angry with Mike because he will not let them go to the birthday party for the children. Jim interferes with the argument, and Mike and Jim begin to fight each other. Mike and Jim both should have made different choices to make the situation better.
        First, I think Jim did the right thing to interfere because he was trying to help. I think he was worried that Mike would get very angry and hit Sara. Mike and Jim are good friends, so Jim thought it was okay to interfere. Even though Sara and Mike were angry that Jim interfered, I think it is good that he did because it was ruining the party for the children. Everyone was watching and listening to the fight.

         Second, if you were Jim, I would have done the same thing to help stop the argument. One thing I would have done different is when Mike asked me to stay out of the problem, I would have respected him and left. Cerasini writes, "This is between husband and wife, Jim', Mike said angrily" (Cerasini, 28). Jim did not leave, so I think that this was not right. Jim wanted to help Mike and Sara solve their problem because Mike is his close friend.  
          Finally, if I were Mike in this situation, I would not try to hit Jim. Jim is a boxer, so he is very strong, and he knows how to fight people. Also, hitting dose not solve problems. Mike should have walked away from the situation, so he would not be angry anymore. Sara was very angry with Mike and she says, "Why don't you fix your own family? What kind of father are you? Too proud to let people know that your daughter can't have her own birthday cake..." (Cerasini, 27). This made Mike very angry and disrespectful to his wife.
         In conclusion, I think that Jim Braddock did the right thing to interfere. He was trying to help Mike and Sara. He was also trying to stop the fight so it wouldn't ruin the party for all of the children. However, he should have been more respectful to Mike. I don't think Mike should have acted the way he did in front of every one. He was disrespectful to his wife and to Jim.

Cerasini, Marc. Cinderella Man. Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2008.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Tadhi's blog

·     Hello every one, my name is Tadhi Alruwaili.
·     I’m from Saudi Arabia.
·     I’m married.
·     I have three brothers and one sister.
·     I have been in USA for one year.
·     I was in Ball State University in Indiana.
·     I have been in Macomb for three months.
·     My major is Biology.
·     My goals here at Western is finish my studies and get a Master’s degree.
·     I like cooking, read short store, and shopping.
·     I don’t like watching TV because it makes me boring
·     In my free time I like to do a lot of things like reading, cleaning my house, playing computer games then take a rest.
·      I think about U.S and people here it sounds cute, and they always smile and help others people, I like life here it’s very simple and easy.
·     I have a lot of friends here they are from other countries, I’m happy to know other cultures.
·     When I finish my studies here I want go back to my country, and I hope get a good job.
·     Also, I’m planning to get a PhD in genetics.
·     In the future I would like to be an effective woman in my country.
·     I hope you enjoy in my page.

Thank you,