Saturday, September 13, 2014

What would you do?

                                                     What would you do?
        In chapter 6, many people from the town go to the church once a mouth to celebrate the birthdays of their children. Since most people don’t have enough money to pay for a birthday party, the priest has the party for them. During the party, Jim is with his family and he sees Mike and Sara at the docks having an argument. Sara is angry with Mike because he will not let them go to the birthday party for the children. Jim interferes with the argument, and Mike and Jim begin to fight each other. Mike and Jim both should have made different choices to make the situation better.
        First, I think Jim did the right thing to interfere because he was trying to help. I think he was worried that Mike would get very angry and hit Sara. Mike and Jim are good friends, so Jim thought it was okay to interfere. Even though Sara and Mike were angry that Jim interfered, I think it is good that he did because it was ruining the party for the children. Everyone was watching and listening to the fight.

         Second, if you were Jim, I would have done the same thing to help stop the argument. One thing I would have done different is when Mike asked me to stay out of the problem, I would have respected him and left. Cerasini writes, "This is between husband and wife, Jim', Mike said angrily" (Cerasini, 28). Jim did not leave, so I think that this was not right. Jim wanted to help Mike and Sara solve their problem because Mike is his close friend.  
          Finally, if I were Mike in this situation, I would not try to hit Jim. Jim is a boxer, so he is very strong, and he knows how to fight people. Also, hitting dose not solve problems. Mike should have walked away from the situation, so he would not be angry anymore. Sara was very angry with Mike and she says, "Why don't you fix your own family? What kind of father are you? Too proud to let people know that your daughter can't have her own birthday cake..." (Cerasini, 27). This made Mike very angry and disrespectful to his wife.
         In conclusion, I think that Jim Braddock did the right thing to interfere. He was trying to help Mike and Sara. He was also trying to stop the fight so it wouldn't ruin the party for all of the children. However, he should have been more respectful to Mike. I don't think Mike should have acted the way he did in front of every one. He was disrespectful to his wife and to Jim.

Cerasini, Marc. Cinderella Man. Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2008.

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