Sunday, September 28, 2014


            Commodus was the son of the emperor Marcus. Commodus went to Rome because his father was very sick. “He will name me as Emperor” said Commodus. But Commodus is an evil man. His personality is very evil. He did many bad things in the book Gladiator. He is an evil man because he is jealous, he killed many people, and he is a liar.

            First, Commodus is jealous of Maximus. Marcus loved Maximus like a son. Commodus thinks Marcus loved Maximus more than him. He asked his father, “Why do you love him more than me?” After the battle Commodus saw Marcus with Maximus and was filled with jealousy. His father put his arms around Maximus and did not put his arms around Commodus. Jealousy is a very bad feeling for people. It causes people to do very bad things.

           The second reason why Commodus was an evil man is because he killed many people. He killed his father. He held his arms around Marcus very tightly until he died. To kill your father is a very terrible thing to do. Also, he told people to take Maximus to kill him. “Take him as far as the sunrise and then kill him,” said Quintus. Quintus was told from Commodus to kill Maximus. The soldiers also killed the Maximus family. Also, Commodus had gladiator fights in Rome after his father stopped the tradition of gladiator fights. Commodus killed many people.

          Finally, Commodus was an evil person because he was a liar. He did not say the truth about two important things. The first lie was he said Marcus died in his sleep. After Maximus asked how Marcus died Commodus said “In his sleep. The doctors say there was no pain.” This was not true. Commodus killed his father. The second lie was Commodus told the Senate that he was the Commander of the Roman Army. Many senators believed Commodus did not say the truth. Telling the truth is very important in life. Many bad things happen if people do not know the real truth. Commodus was very evil because he lied many times.

            Many things Commodus did were evil. He was self-centered and he did not become upset when he did bad things. The bad things he did were kill his father and he said he was the emperor. Also he killed Maximus family. Commodus father loved Maximus more than he loved Commodus because Commodus was evil and he did not trust him. He was an evil man because he was jealous of Maximus, he killed many people, and he was a liar.

Reference from book Gladiator (Russell Crowe).

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